voy, vamos

on saturday i threw myself a goodbye party. more like a "im leaving for a month so come and hang out with me" kinda party. hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, watermelon, organic soda, and lots of cornhole! it was awesome. we ate, played many rounds of very competitive cornhole, and ended the night with an entertaining game of apples to apples. it was a nice way to see everyone before i leave.

allie, baby shiloh, and myself (aka the picture that launched a very serious diet!)

cookout boys
the brothers o'dell (alex and eric), conspiring in a serious round of cornhole

jason's cornhole method was very entertaining to me.

jenna and baby ryker.

i can't believe how fast this trip creeped up on me. i spent most of today packing and running some errands to grab some last-minute needed items. the rest of the week will be spent at work and doing homework, and trying to see a few friends here and there before i'm gone.

it's strange how this trip has brought about a sort of 'fork in the road' in my life... much change is on the horizon. i can hear God calling me to step out in faith, into the unknown... who knows what i may be writing on here in a month.

dios te bendiga!


Olive said…
i saw this picture on your flickr earlier today and thought "wow that lady is really pregnant!" and then just now reading this i saw baby shiloh's leg sticking out of DUH JENNY, her sling!
rachaeldear said…
hah, you should have seen her before the baby was born! she's so tiny but her belly was so big, i was about to put money on the possibility of her having twins...
Ashley Malefyt said…
Thank you for the encouragement! I am just starting to fool around with sewing more seriously, and am getting a new machine this week. I some how hadn't heard of etsy yet - so thank you for the site recommendation too! I love all of the bags that you do, they're seriously gorgeous, and inspiring!
rachaeldear said…
thanks so much! i appreciate that :) good luck!

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