
i can't believe how fast time is passing me by right now. it feels like so much has been going on, and yet it hasn't really...
work has been out-of-control! covering here, training there, overtime here... it's a lot of stress for someone to deal with and i'm pretty sure i'm not handling it 'properly.' stress has pretty much always been my arch enemy.
crafts are on a hiatus at the moment. while i still have visions of totebags/wristlets/wallets dancing in my head, i dont have the mental energy right now to do as much as i want to do, mostly because...
i leave for mexico in a week and half!
i can't believe departure is so close. i am very excited to be in a different mind space for a whole month. i am hoping their culture will help me to see my own in different ways, even though i am already pretty disenchanted with "America" at the moment.
speaking of which, i saw shane claiborne speak last night at the church i use to volunteer at from time to time. he stopped in indianapolis on his 'jesus for president' tour with the psalters. i always love hearing what he has to say. i think he could probably talk about anything and i'd be inspired somehow. it was great to see mike and allie, twon, brent, kevin and naomi, but the bummer of the night was that one of the psalters' lost his dog and we walked about the area trying to help him find it during the intermission, only to be told that the dog had been hit by a car :(
i'm having a cookout this saturday so that i can see everyone and have some fellowship before i leave. burgers, hotdogs, and some rounds of cornhole! sounds awesome to me.


Olive said…
i saw shane speak here recently at our justice revival. he is one of my favorite people in the public eye. luff him. his books, esp the irresistible revolution, has really changed our lives.
rachaeldear said…
agreed! i am trying my hardest to save 'jesus for president' to read on the plane... since i'm supposed to be doing homework...

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