bad weather magnet

i think hancock county must have some sort of gravitational pull of bad weather. we ALWAYS get the bad weather that comes through the state. so far we have been very lucky...

how about a craft update?!
adorable bibs
some bibs i made for a doctor i work with that adopted a baby last week

beth's bag, all finished!
beth's bag, my first custom order :) im pretty pleased with how it turned out!

camera case wristlet
this is a camera bag wristlet that i made for beth as well. it's really well insulated with some heavy duty interfacing.

good news on the craft front, my mom took pity on my craft explosion room (see below) and decided to clear out the upstairs living room, which we dont really use, so that i can set up a studio. it will be super exciting to have a bedroom that is not covered in fabric, pattern, thread, and other miscellaneous supplies.

it's much worse than this at the moment, and soon to be in another location!


Olive said…
those are amazing!
Kristin said…
Hi! You don't know me, I just stumbled on your blog today. But I wanted to tell you how beautiful all your creations are! I love them! (feeling slightly jelous of your crafty-ness, and greatly inspired to dust off my poor sewing machine!) Thanks for sharing your pictures. :)
rachaeldear said…
aww man! thanks so much! that's such a blessing to hear! :)

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