oh'dellard adventures!

maybe one of these days i can figure out how to get a music player on my blog. for now, here is a list of a really good mix i made recently:

young folks - peter, bjorn, and john
the funeral - band of horses
the latest toughs - okkervil river
caleb meyer - gillian welch
never ending math equation - modest mouse
ruby - kaiser chiefs
dark center of the universe - modest mouse
helicopter - m. ward
a savior on capitol hill - derek webb
promise of love - american analog set
7/4 (shoreline) - broken social scene
else - built to spill (sidebar: jenny and i are music twins)
the joke is over - damien jurado
photobooth - death cab for cutie
new religion (duran duran cover) - jimmy eat world
seven - sunny day real estate
house under the hill - the finches
he lays in the reins - calexico & iron and wine
devil never sleeps - iron & wine

i have been listening to this mix:
a) while at work doing monotonous taskery
b) while making some of the items from the huge list of christmas presents i need to craft for people
c) on my super sweet, super minimalist car stereo that consists of my ipod and a pair of ipod speakers that run on triple A batteries and sits on my dashboard when not folded up in my purse (a great $5 investment).

i must now return to online shopping for jewelry supplies. dios te bendiga.


Olive said…

that's where i got mine. just search for songs and add them to your player. then copy and paste the provided link wherever you want it to go

we are musical twins! but i love it!!
Olive said…
or! http://www.sonific.com/

my wiget was taking up too much space before so i removed it and am now searching for a smaller music player. i think the above mentioned fits the bill
Olive said…
holy third comment batman!!

upon checking the latter music player is lame, doesn't have a lot of song options.
rachaeldear said…
yeah! i actually just now started browsing it and i couldnt find anything!!

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