sometimes i get really excited about new shoes. i'm such a nerd. tonight i found much peace through sipping chamomile tea, eating lemon poppyseed bread, and playing wordtwist- a game that is easy to get addicted to. its funny for me because almost all my life i've had little 'quirks' in my thinking...when i was little, if a song got caught in my head i had to hum it four times in a row before i could stop. i used to 'air type' words out in front of me. i used to spell words out in my head, one letter at a time, to the rhythm of songs on the radio. and now, thanks to wordtwist (brought to me by facebook), all those years of rearranging letters and words in my head can be put to great use. wheeee! i think i will play a few more games before i go watch michael moore's new documentary .
do you ever get so psyched about what God is doing that you just can't contain it? i just have to say... GOD IS KICKING SOME SERIOUS ASS. confirmation is so freakin' awesome! holy crap, dude, God loves me a lot! i pray pray pray that the people i care about will come to know God like i know him, and even moreso... sorry to anyone who doesn't want to hear about Jesus-type stuff. it's kinda my life anymore, and i'm fine (even psyched) with it.