winter in the making

my schedule is calming down. i'm finally done with school for this semester, and it really did kind of fly by. i was very pleased to see my hard work pay off (i really did work hard!). i got a 3.5 GPA, and i dont say that to brag in the least; it's just that it's so cool to me to be able to see what a change i've made. my first semester of college ever (back in 2000), my GPA was 1.9- not the best way to start a college career. so i've grown, i've matured, i've realized what it means to work hard to get things done. so, as i said, i'm not bragging, just very pleased. God has certainly made a change in me!
through speech class i realized how important it is for me to be an advocate for the poverty issue here in indianapolis. after all the research i'd done, i just couldn't continue to live in the same manner knowing that there are so many people in need, people within a few miles of where i comfortably live. i guess you could say, in Shane Claiborne terms, i've "found my calcutta." i started working at a free clinic on the eastside of indy, where 8 out of 10 children are hungry, and 50% of adults cannot read. i also began writing articles for a magazine called "One Paycheck Away," which i'm very excited about. i've got my hands in all kinds of pots... just wish i had more time to invest...
i'm certainly excited/motivated to get my degree done so that i can more effectively communicate with the spanish-speaking folk around here.
really, there are many things i hope to do in the near future- get more involved in the community, continue to spend more time with grandma, invest more time in crafts with the intentions of opening a little online shop, explore alternative ways of living, make music (again), and rely more on myself (less on the government/parents/employers/consumer market/etc).
sigh, i have so much i want to do...


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