pray me through.

if you read this (if anyone reads this, really), please pray for us...

i'd mentioned in my previous post that i'm not a big fan of what i call "negative attention," meaning that i don't really like to throw myself a pity party, complain, etc. I really don't. but as you see here, i'm getting out of that comfort zone because, well, we need help. we need brothers and sisters. we need God. and it's been ridiculous of me to pretend that we didnt.

right now our living situation is at a crossroads. the place we've been living for the past year or so is no longer acceptable for us, for a few different reasons. we're stepping out in faith, choosing not to renew our lease for next year, and totally relying on God to lead us to a place that we can be comfortable and safe in. the cost of living here is sky high and a lot of places won't even consider our application unless we make a minimum income (which we usually don't), which kind of turns the whole apartment search into a game of chance. unfortunately, if we can't find a place to live, we'll have to come home to Indiana and Eric will have to finish his degree some other time (if they'll even let him return), having wasted his time and money here. our only other options besides somehow finding an apartment is to rent out a room somewhere, more than likely with strangers, or for me to go home and let him live in the dorms. obviously we'd prefer to find an apartment for ourselves, but it would take a miracle for us to find a clean, safe, comfortable place. we are totally relying on God to see this happen if it's His will...


I know it seems like there are no answers coming your way at the moment. We were just in a very similar situation. Our lease was coming up and we were outgrowing our current house. We couldn't find a house to lease that worked for our situation (Brad works from home) and in our price range. We praid for MONTHS, that God lead us to the right place. We really wanted to move to Raleigh, NC, we were also fine with staying in Hamilton County, IN; and finally at the last moment (days before our lease was up) a door opened, in the last place we would've ever thought to move. A family member was selling their home, and paying another mortgage somewhere else. They needed us to move into their home to keep it up and help it sell, we got in at an exceptionally good rental price and it's perfect for our family. It is temporary, we will only be able to stay for 6 months to a year, but it works and we are happy. God closed all doors (the places WE wanted to live) and opened one we never would've walked through on our own.

Keep the faith Sister! God will provide! He always does!

rachaeldear said…
lady... this made me cry! good read for sure. thanks for the encouragement :)

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