a list.

so i have this weird quirk where i fear 'negative attention.' like, i fear weird things like fainting in public places, getting injured in front of others, and having panic attacks in public because i don't want anyone to think something's "wrong with me". that being said, i haven't really had anything good to say about living in maryland for the last 6 months, so i kind of haven't said anything at all...! i guess i've somehow gotten to this place where i don't like to complain to others about my life situation out of that sort of fear, like 'if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all.' i'm only bringing it up now because i am finally starting to enjoy being out here. it's been rough: new home, new jobs, new schools, being newlyweds, being far from family, etc., all without a church family or friends nearby to lean on. eric and i have both struggled with depression, stress, and anxiety with our new living situation. we have plenty of friends and family supporting us from afar, but it's obviously different. we've been to different churches and have tried to make friends and find community, but it's all been very strained with our schedules and our different ways of living. it's hard to believe how different cultures can be with 500 miles between them. we still don't feel like we can relate to most of the people and lifestyles in this area and are excited about coming home one day, hopefully with a degree for eric after all is said and done.

i've always been a list-maker and enjoy trying to see the positive in all things, so here's a list of all the things i am growing to enjoy about living here:

*sticky fingers vegan bakery and cafe
*another vegan cafe that is a short bike ride from our home
*being THISCLOSE to the metro and some great metro stops
*having so much to do and so close
*having a discount at the 32349080 whole foods stores near our home
*being near IKEA!
*my gym membership (even if i don't go)
*being close to the beach and the mountains
*small bars with awesome fries
*a million places to get good falafel
*smoothie king & bubble tea
*all the free museums and the free zoo
*the amish market
*the national mall
*tons of history

...and hopefully this list will grow.


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