a mighty whirlwind

a lot has been going on and normally i would be overwhelmed by it all, but to tell the truth, it all makes sense to me in a crazy way...

first of all, eric and i are getting married. we knew within about a week or two of our dating (which began about three years ago) that we were "right" for each other, that we would be good for one another in the way that God intended. we've been through some crazy ups and downs and im sure i can speak for both of us when i say that there is such a feeling of 'peace' and 'this makes sense' in our relationship. we even talked about getting married this fall and having a lovely fall-themed event... which brings me to the next item of interest. eric has been studying american sign language for the past two years and applied to gallaudet university in washington, DC just to see if he'd get in. backstory: gallaudet university is the only deaf university in the US. they only admit 20 hearing students a year to their ASL program. so if a hearing person obtains a degree from gallaudet university, they can pretty much do whatever they want in the interpreting field (it's like the 'harvard' or 'yale' of sign language schools). so... imagine our surprise when eric got in. he's 1 person out of 20 people across the whole nation that got into this extremely competitive program. holy crap, right? so... about two weeks after we get married, we're moving to washington, DC...

so as you can see, we do indeed have a lot going on. getting engaged, planning a wedding, participating in said wedding, packing, finding a place to live, moving, going to new schools... all within about 2 months' time. it's funny because eric and i would look at some of our friends' crazy lives and say, "maybe one day God will call us to live like that," and here we are, not knowing what kind of money we'll be able to live off of or where we'll be living in the next month and a half. but, it's been more than obvious to both of us that God's favor is upon us and our marriage, so there's a lot of peace to live off of there. now we must trust Him to carry us to the next life stage...


Rachael, I am so happy for you, and that you found a man who loves the Lord the way that you do!
After being married twice; first to a man who had no religious background at all, and now to a man who also loves God and knows how important it is to put Him first in our marriage, I know that you two will be so happy and very blessed, because you put God in the center of your relationship. I wish you both the best and congrats to your fiance for his great achievement!!!
rachaeldear said…
thanks so much Aubree :) i know this might sound silly but i'm happy for you in return, that you have a Godly husband... they are hard to find these days! sounds like we both got lucky!

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