Terebinth Spa/Brother, Sister Press

my good friend Allie recently started her own business, Terebinth Spa, in which she offers a night of homemade, organic spa treatments for office, home, and church parties. doesn't this sound amazing? just talking about it makes me feel relaxed and peaceful. i went to a party she threw at her home and it was so much fun to munch on snacks and do some self-pampering with other ladies. if you know Allie at all, you already know what a peaceful, loving, nurting person she is- just being around her is a peaceful, sweet experience, so "allie + spa business" makes perfect sense to me. it's inspiring to see her act on her dreams and i'm excited to see what God has planned with her and her projects!

i too am hoping to get more involved with some dreams of mine, namely the little shop i opened on etsy.com... i love making all different kinds of things and i hope the summer break will help me to invest more time in those projects. i've also opened an etsy store with the intent of using it as a collective for the people in our church body who also enjoy making things but maybe dont have enough time/product to open a store of their own. it's actually a dream eric and i have shared since we started dating, to have a little collective/collaboration within the church body and to reach others in different, creative ways. i truly hope it will allow us to reach people and to grow both artistically and in terms of community. keep your eyes open for Brother, Sister Press!


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