food addict

you can't tell anymore, but for a good 3 years or so i was vegan. i was very meticulous about what foods i ate and was always checking the ingredients label to make sure i was eating what i wanted. i was probably at my healthiest (and skinniest!) at that point in my life; i remember once i shocked my doctor when she took a blood test and found that my cholesterol was 27- i suppose you'll have that when you're not eating any animal products. anyhow... slowly i became lazy, decided i really loved kraft mac 'n' cheese, and eventually began eating meat again as well, which brings us to today- today i have very little discipline when it comes to my diet. i am a sucker for steak 'n' shake fries dipped in honey mustard, and i believe that the culver's down the street has the city's best cheeseburgers. truth be told, i am a sucker for "American" food- pizza, fries, 'fair food', ice cream, hotdogs, burgers, etc... and yet i loathe them at the same time because i know they're so unhealthy for me.

last week i spent some time at my friend allie's house where she and i discussed her inclination towards raw food. she mentioned her belief that God intended for us to consume food in this manner, at it's peak of nutrition. something about that conversation stuck with me, and i remembered how i used to feel about factory farms and pesticides and chemicals and processed foods. after our convo she had me help her make some raw guacamole and i surprised by how easy (and delicious) it was. ironically i had been reading a cookbook called "Super Natural Cooking" by Heidi Swanson (which i highly recommend). it talks about the healthier forms of food that are available to us and why we shouldn't be eating such processed/chemicalized version of those foods. this is something that is actually very important to me and through reading this book i truly realized how lazy i'd become with my eating habits. after reading this book and talking with allie, i felt that it was high time i began to re-think my diet; not only did i feel awful about what i ate, but i've gained weight and other maladies, most of which could be chalked up to poor food choices coupled with lack of exercise.

ironically, this topic was brought up a few more times through the week, through books i'd found at my house and conversations with other people. honestly, i feel like God is challenging me to change my eating habits, which is strange to me- has God challenged anyone else in this manner? perhaps He desires that i see my body in a different way than i have been, which is something i struggle with anyhow...

i'm slowly trying to incorporate healthier foods into my diet. last night i went to whole foods to see eric and buy some fresh produce and a sugar substitute. right now i'm making my own raisins and dried mangoes, sipping on some yerba mate. can i really swear off coffee? we shall see.


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