thank God that's over!

dear reduced-fat cheezits,

i'm sorry, but i'm breaking up with you. it's been fun munching on you while i drive, shoving handfuls of you into my mouth as i study, eating you one-at-a-time while i work on a new crochet project, but that fun-ness has worn off. our relationship has gone stale (pun intended). perhaps your addition of 10 pounds to my already 'curvy' figure had something to do with it. i'm sorry things had to end up this way ("it's not you, it's me..."). maybe i'll see you around next fall.

a more diet-concerned rachael


Olive said…
i love reduced fat cheez-its. they are leaps and bounds better than their full fat sibling.
rachaeldear said…
i agree wholeheartedly.

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