an eventful weekend.

what a busy weekend. friday was first friday and eric, alex, jason, and i went to watch our friend emily walk down a runway in a dress made of teabags. then some of us ate a glorious meal of steak n shake.

saturday was julie's baby shower, which despite being windy was very fun.
julie's baby shower
please disregard my "skater" look. i promise i'm not in high school anymore.

sunday was awesome. i got up early and began sewing a new bag for myself, then ange, mark, and laura picked me up and we drove north to michelle's baby shower, which was probably the most awesome baby shower i ever went to.
michelle's baby shower
(michelle's mother-in-law, michelle's mom, michelle, some guests)
please note that we are outside and that there is a teepee in the background. a real one. it was awesome. michelle got some really amazing handmade gifts; i was blown away by all the creativity that was present. we also got to design either a bib or a onesy for her and the baby.

after the baby shower we headed over to another home for a cookout where the girls' group met up with the guys. awesome food and hang out time. when it got dark and chilly enough we set up a bonfire down by the river that borders the property.

so far that was the best day since the warmer weather began. i hope we have many more like it.


Olive said…
someone i know (i think?) birthed in a teepee. i would totally be "that girl" if i had one...
rachaeldear said…
well, the indians did it! before it was cool! hahahah

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