i felt the earthquake.

the previous week has been both stressful and enjoyable.

first of all, my jaw is getting better. the muscles in my neck however are still very sore. i feel like such a baby when i complain about it. anyhow, school will be done with on thursday for this semester (!!!) and i anticipate the muscle strain will relieve itself with a lighter stress load. i will have free time again! speaking of which...

i opened a shop on etsy.com... i already had an account for purchasing purposes, but i went ahead and made up a little banner to use for selling purposes for the time being- i dont have any good photo software on this computer, so i had to use paint, so obviously it is high-quality (sarcasm). i'm even thinking of making up some business cards. i had wanted to do something like this for a while now, but i just never had the time. i am hoping that school's ending will bring about more time for me to sew & create, and learn new skills on the sewing machine. so far i plan to sell a tote bag that i began last year, other tote bags with the fabric i've bought from sellers on etsy, and maybe some bibs. nothing much. i certainly dont plan on being very successful, but Lord Willing i might be able to make some extra money to use for the mexico trip, which i will most definitely need soon.

work has been crazy! i'm training a new girl who will eventually help me out, and that will be a blessing, but as for now i am still the go-to girl for everything else. no wonder i have a tight jaw!

some girls from church called me to hang out on thursday after my last class. when i finally arrived, they had grilled chicken and kebobs, rice, fresh fruit, and fresh homemade cookies. it was glorious. they insisted i wash it down with a margharita-flavored wine cooler. it was seriously the best meal i've had in a while. i'm definitely ready for more times like that. i was really especially blessed that they thought to invite me... i'm not exactly a social butterfly. but i am trying.

i am looking foward to the coming whirlwind of this week. a spanish presentation, two days off in a row!, a pilates class that i normally would not be able to attend, sewing gifts for michelle's baby, a geography final which means the end of the semester, and saturday is michelle's baby shower/josh's dudely cookout in eaton, to which i will be carpooling with other ladies from church. and the week after that, all i have to worry about is work! bring on the freetime!

as you may have heard, indiana experienced an earthquake yesterday. the funny part for me was when i realized it was a real, live earthquake, i bolted into my parents' room at 5:37am thinking that our house might collapse upon us (i was half-asleep), only to see my dad naked, coming out of the bathroom to ask why everything was shaking... good thing i slept in my contacts, they were so cloudy that i didnt see anything, thank God!


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