outlet shopping!

today i went outlet shopping with two awesome friends, allie and haley. haley (on left) and i actually grew up in the same neighborhood, with our backyards touching, and somehow ended up attending the same church in our adult lives.

on the way to meet at allie's, i was driving east on I-70 when i saw a tumbleweed! it was only 5 or 6 inches in diameter but it was most definitely a tumbleweed. it gave me a chuckle.

we loaded up and headed to the outlet mall in Edinburgh for an awesome day of shopping. ate lunch at max and erma's, where i was good and ate the 'healthy' option off the menu. then we hit the stores. puma outlet, adidas outlet, clarks outlet... all overpriced! i wanted some new running shoes but couldnt find any to suit my feet/budget. then we went to the gap outlet. i had a gift card from christmas and i sufficiently spent it on a new blouse, two camisoles, and a tank top. i love the tanktops and camisoles from gap outlet, they're so cheap and comfortable and they fit well too! allie got some cute rainboots. then we went to an awesome kitchen store where i bought a RONCO food dehydrator! i laughed at myself when i thought at how many hours i spent watching the RONCO infomercials as a child. to this day they still had me sold on the food dehydrator. now i can make dried fruits, fruit leathers, and i can dry the herbs i grow in the garden!!! heck yeah! anyone want home-grown chamomile, mint, lemon balm, pineapple sage, or basil? allie already has a food dehydrator and she and i planned to get together (and invite haley of course) to make some fruit leathers. one of the things i miss most about having my own kitchen is being able to make and cook my own foods.

we ended the day by going to the rocky mountain candy shop, where they had gigantic (or as allie clarified: genetically modified) chocolate-covered strawberries. my mouth watered over those, the raspberry/strawberry creams, and haley's peanut butter bucket:

perhaps the highlight of the day (besides the food dehydrator!) was when the three of us were consulting a mall map when a young man, approximately 22-24 years of age approached us and said,

"Excuse me, but would any of you happen to be single?"

I should point out that he seemed to direct this at allie, who is obviously quite pregnant.

"Well, I'm married and pregnant, she's married (pointing to haley), and she's...with us...today (meaning of course, me)."

After he walked away, I laughed until I cried. God Bless Allie Laman.

Thank you God for a nice day with friends.


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