finally gettin' out on a saturday night

i think my tooth is finally getting better. last night i was able to go out to a party... my friends mark and ange are moving to ireland, and their going-away party was last night. a nice guy named joseph allowed our group to have the party at his home, which was an awesome loft, and the food was absolutely awesome. i tried to take pictures... i still havent figured out the new camera...

then my batteries died. probably because i spent a lot of the time fiddling with it and trying to figure out what i was doing wrong. i am thinking of buying rechargable batteries.
after some discussion, it has been decided that a trip to the outlet mall in edinburgh will be planned for myself and at least 2 other ladies. i am excited! i can use the gap giftcard that eric bought me! i can always find stuff at the gap outlet.
school starts again on tuesday. i may have mentioned this, but i purposely arranged my classes with an hour and 45 minutes in-between so that i would go to the fitness center and work out. i'm pretty excited about that. i have started eating better too. i know it's terribly cliche to make "eating better and losing weight" a new year's resolution, but eh. it's kind of a big deal to me. fingers crossed.


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